Friday 28 August 2015

HTC A9 is set to look quite like the iPhone 6

A new phone putting design in front of the spec list is coming from HTC later this year – here’s the first shot, and it’s sat next to an iPhone 6.
We don’t know the spec list exactly, but rumours suggest HTC is focusing all its efforts on the design of its next flagship smartphone – and it’s set to look quite like the iPhone 6.
A new photo has leaked of the early prototype sat next to Apple's latest mobile offering and it's not difficult to see the influence.

Size wise it’s only a little bit bigger than the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 with the same rounded corner design, gold paint job and those white lines surrounding the phone on the top and bottom.

Wide boy

It looks slightly wider than the iPhone 6 and the camera is sat in the middle at the top much like the duo-camera did on the HTC One M8.
HTC needs to up its flagship game after the lacklustre HTC One M9 failed to meet the same heights as rivals such as the Samsung Galaxy S6 and aforementioned iPhone. The Taiwanese firm has a strong history of smartphone design and we fully expect it to embrace that as it looks to offer us a truly desirable phone in 2016.


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